Symcjit Dll

The MS JVM died on December 31, 2007. In 2001, the Sun and Microsoft signed an agreement, which allows Microsoft to continue distributing software that contained a Microsoft-made JVM by January 2004. Microsoft paid Sun $20 million dollars that time. In October 2003, thedeadline was moved to September, 2004. And, finally in April 2004, Sun Microsystems prolonged Microsoft's license to use Sun's Javasource code and support the MS Java Virtual Machine until December 31, 2007. Microsoft Virutal Machine Download symcjit dll

Microsoft Java Virtual Machine download links:

Java Microsoft Windows symcjit dll

Steps to install the Microsoft Java Virtual Machine:

  1. Download the file using the links above and save it to your harddrive.
  2. Once the file is on your harddrive, execute it and thus load the Microsoft Virtual Machine.
  3. As the file begins execution, answer Yes to the License Agreement question and then once complete, re-boot your PC.
  4. Once the PC is re-booted you should be set to go.
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Sun VM

Microsoft had to take down their JVM because of some legal issues. But you don't even have to use the MS JVM, you can use Sun Microsystem's version, and it seems to work just fine.
Download Free Java Software from Sun Microsystems Update or download your Free Sun JVM. Download Java Virtual Machine for your desktop computer now!
Download Jvms

See also

symcjit.dll on Spyware-Net Information about Symantec Shared. Find out what you need to know about Symantec Shared on Spyware-Net.
symcjit.dll error HELP! - Tech Support Guy Forums I need help with an symcjit.dll error. It says this every time I try to run my game. I have tried almost everything. HELP!
Reg. Slow Oracle Performance (1st Response) - Toolbox for IT Rename symcjit.dll to symcjit.dll.ori and your all problems will be solvedwhich you will encounter while upgrading from PIII to PIV m/c
Unable to install Oracle 8i client Hi, We have successfully installed the Oracle 8i Server on Windows 2000 server after renaming symcjit.dll to symcjit.old. But We are unable to install oracle 8i client in
RE: java.exe encountered problem when booting the server Thank you for responding to my question. Faulting application java.exe, version, faulting module symcjit.dll, The only location I found the symcjit.dll
OraFAQ Forum: Windows » error symcjit.dll If you a running a Pentium 4, there is a problem with JIT on these machines. Keep an eye on the Sun Site for a patch.
AR #10634 - 3.1i Install - On Pentium 4 PCs, the installation On Windows ME OS, the error message may list "symcjit.dll." There have also been cases where the setup ran very quickly, and upon completion there was only one file in the
Java FAQ - javac.exe and symcjit.dll error Java Technology FAQ javac.exe and symcjit.dll error. I installed jdk1.2.2. and when i try to run javac or java it reports an error of file symcjit.dll; what is going on?
Reg. Slow Oracle Performance (1st Response) - Toolbox for IT Rename symcjit.dll to symcjit.dll.ori and your all problems will be solvedwhich you will encounter while upgrading from PIII to PIV m/c
OraFAQ Forum: Application Express & MOD_PLSQL => 8i AS revisited * renamed all occurances of symcjit.dll * changed the orapram.ini file to reflect the JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS to -nojit . SO now i attempt to run it from the OUI with the
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Virtual Macine symcjit dll Microsoft Java Vm Java Symcjit Dll microsoft java vm Steps to install the Microsoft VM: Download the file using the links above and save it to your harddrive. Once the file is on your
Reg. Slow Oracle Performance (1st Response) - Toolbox for IT Rename symcjit.dll to symcjit.dll.ori and your all problems will be solvedwhich you will encounter while upgrading from PIII to PIV m/c
Unable to install Oracle 8i client Hi, We have successfully installed the Oracle 8i Server on Windows 2000 server after renaming symcjit.dll to symcjit.old. But We are unable to install oracle 8i client in
OraFAQ Forum: Application Express & MOD_PLSQL => 8i AS revisited * renamed all occurances of symcjit.dll * changed the orapram.ini file to reflect the JRE_MEMORY_OPTIONS to -nojit . SO now i attempt to run it from the OUI with the
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Debugging Tools and Techniques - java.exe problem szAppName: java.exe szAppVer: szModName: symcjit.dll szModVer: offset: 0005f974 The following files will be included in this error report:
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Installing Oracle 8i on a Windows XP with a P4 Change the name of the symcjit_disc.dll file back to its original, i.e. symcjit.dll. The path to this file is: C:\stage\components\oracle.swd.jre\\1\Data